Atdec AD-WT-5060 - Mount for tilted TV displays
Atdec AD-WT-5060 - Mount for tilted TV displays
AD-WT-5060 suits applications that require a tilted display, space behind the display for device/s, and fixture to stud walls with 24” stud spacing.
This wall mount is designed for displays to 50kg (110lbs) and universal VESA patterns to 600x400.
The AD-WT-5060 mounts displays tilted -10° to +5° to the wall, with 56mm (2.2”) space at rear in which devices may be concealed. Its versatility and construction makes AD-WF-5060 suitable for commercial, domestic, and most light industrial environments.
AD-WT-5060 suits most types of walls (with appropriate hardware*) and demonstrates Adtec’s easy installation ethos, with an integrated spirit level and slotted mounting holes. The brackets allow minor lateral adjustment to position the display precisely as desired.
Consider AD-WT-5040 for narrower stud spacing.
* wall mount hardware not included
Choose me for:
- Stud walls with 24” spacing
- Tilted display capability
- Space behind display
- Robust functionality & long service life
- Easy, safe & tidy installation
- Superseding Atdec's TH-3060-UT